Demographic Profile of Sikkim According to Census 2011:
Rural and Urban Population (Male and Female), Population Growth, Sex Ratio, Literates and Literacy rate in Sikkim according to census 2011:
Total Population of Sikkim at Each Census from 1971 to 2011:
Decadal Growth by State and District for Person, 1971-2011:
Decadal Growth by State and District for Person, 1971 to 2011 (Rural):
Decadal Growth by State and District for Person 1971 to 2011 (Urban):
Population and Decadal Change by Sex and Residence, 2011:
Male Population and Decadal Change by Sex and Residence, 2011:
Female Population and Decadal Change by Sex and Residence, 2011:
Population by Age Group, Residence and Sex, 2011:
Child Population by Residence and Sex Ratio 2011:
Child Sex Ratio by Residence, 2001-2011:
Child Population (0-6) and Proportion by Sex and Residence, 2011:
Rural Urban Proportion and Sex Ratio 2001 & 2011:
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Population by Residence, 2011:
Figures at a glance: Sikkim vis-a-vis India, 1971-2011:
Scheduled Caste Population by Residence, Decadal Change and Proportion to Total Population, 2011:
Comparative Figures at a Glance, 2001 & 2011:
Scheduled Tribe Population by Residence, Decadal Change and Proportion to Total Population, 2011: